Monday, May 14, 2012

livet er smukt


It's currently day 4 out here in Copenhagen, and I still feel like everything is so surreal. Like I'm walking through a foreign film or something. Everything is so beautiful here in Kobenhavn (when it's not raining), even the people! I have seen at least two to three Ryan Gosling look-a-likes everyday.

And everyone is so happy and peaceful. It's unbelievable, and in some sense, I feel somewhat fidgety that there are no conflicts or bad things about the Danes or Denmark.

Even their outlets look happy.

As for the people here in Denmark, not only are the ridiculously good-looking, they're also outrageously fashionable, preposterously sustainable, tremendously resourceful, frighteningly intellectual, devastatingly creative, and genuinely caring. And most importantly they enjoy sarcasm, irony, and dry-humor.
They are the apex of human-kind.

Actually, the only complaint I would have is how expensive everything is. Everything is marked up in comparison to the US by 30%, especially restaurants and clothing. But I still can't complain about that because groceries are dirt cheap. And organic. $3 for a large container of strawberries! So I will be taking advantage of this and cooking lots of fantastic meals and documenting it. Solid.

Right now I am currently staying with three very sweet Danish girls who Min introduced me to. This connection and opportunity has been such a blessing, when would I get such a great chance to see Denmark in an authentic sense. They actually laughed at most of the Lonely Planet references I made.

They even made us a traditional Danish dinner!

(Min headed out to Africa last night/this morning(?). He's doing some sweet engie stuff out in Africa: )

On the flight to Cophenhagen, I sat next to a very nice lady names Louise. We shared a lot of stories along with a lot of the free wine they give on British Airway flights. Long story short, I ended up making a friend that would give me connections to people living in London and France. Looks like I'll be doing lots of travelling :o)

Sadly, when I got off in London Heathrow Airport and had to transfer over to the next flight, I got TSA'd. A sassy pleasantly plump British lady pulled me aside briskly saying, "Now then, 'ands dohwn". Being ticklish, I giggled a bit and she laughed and said "Dats roight, all yoh lit'el asians ahlways giggling lihke "ooehehehheee". Whell, off yoh go."

And I was like:

Bomb art in some underground bookstore/cafe
Get'em while they're hot.

Risset Hotdog. Cheapest food available a.k.a my new staple food.

Denmark's big attraction

Everyone rides a bike. They even have a song to promote it. 

The rest of these photos are scenes from today's gorgeous weather. They're completely real. I'm living in a fairytale:

Not to mention they are super politically active about human rights. Amazing. 

Until next time, Hej Hej! 


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